28 Things I’ve Learned in 28 Years
I almost can’t believe that I am 28, yep 28… 2 years away from 30!
My mum keeps joking to me saying ‘Almost 30 now’ haha, what is she like eh?
Last year I was going to post a few of my birthday posts but it totally slipped my mind and I never got the chance to post any which is a shame. So I made up for it this year and the first post is 28 things I have learnt in 28 years, ‘jeez even saying it makes me think wow’.
Many things have happened since my 27th birthday mostly amazing but some meh moments but here’s to another fabulous year.
1. My kids mean everything to me – Parenting is like a walk in a park ‘ Jurassic Park’ that is but I love it and my kids mean everything to me.
2. The family is so important – Being a mum has changed me completely in so many positive ways. Family means so much to me.
3. Gut instincts are usually right – Now I am not saying all the time but a hell of a lot of times for me it been completely right.
4. Having time to yourself sometimes is ok – We all need some me-time every now and again.
5. Speaking up makes a difference – I can be quite shy at times but speaking up has helped me as a person so many times.
6. Its always a good time to make friends – You can make friends anywhere but I have made so many friends blogging and I am so thankful for that.
7. Cooking – I literally only knew how to make beans at a toast at 18 but now I can cook a variety of different dishes and even bake too.
8. Patience – I know being patient in life can be super annoying at times but as the old saying ” Patience is bitters buts its fruits are sweet”.
9. Hard work pays off – I honestly didn’t think I was a good enough blogger before but the last few months have been amazing for me with so many brands than ever before wanting to work with me.
10. Keep going – even when times get tough, they will get better. This can be said for many things including blogging, work or anything really.
11. You can never have too many books – I love reading and have a fair amount of books. I will always collect books because I love relaxing and reading and also they look fab on the bookcase too.
12. For goodness sake don’t over pluck the brows – I have made this mistake many times and overplucked my brows, took so long for them to grow back.
13. Gin is amazing – Omg I just love ‘Gin’it is so damn versatile and you can make so many different cocktails with it. I love it with Pepsi most of the time I have it on occasions.
14. Don’t worry about getting older – Enjoy your time now. I worried about age before but now I embrace every birthday with excitement.
15. Honesty is important – No matter what I think it is always best, to be honest.
16. Let go of grudges – I know some can be annoying to get away but it is amazing once you do.
17. Self-love – I do think its important to love ourselves. It took me ages to accept me but I am happy to be me and I’m not vain when I say this but I love me.
18. They are no fashion rules – I wear what I want all the time. I usually buy something I like and pick what I want to wear every morning, with no planning involved.
19. Pyjamas rule – Now as much as I love wearing my dresses and my outfits, nothing beats putting on my pyjamas after a lush bath on a long day.
20. PCOS sucks – Ugh I hate PCOS but with a little bit of luck I am managing the symptoms a little better now.
21. Learning has no age limit – I may not have gone to college or uni but its never to late to learn. I have learnt many things including how to write better. I am hoping to go to college to do a course one day.
22. C-sections aren’t easy – The amount of people who said to me my births were easy because they were c-sections is actually shocking. C-sections are surgery and the recovery time is awful and is bloody painful trust me, I’ve had 3 c-sections.
23. Starting my blog was a good choice – People laughed when I first started my blog, now they love reading it. I have learnt so much and talked to so many amazing bloggers too.
24. Music – What can I say? I just love listening to music; whether it is singing along, going to a concert or putting on Spotify to write a blog post.
25. Travelling is so fun and you can learn so much – whether it be abroad or somewhere nearby it is just brilliant. I have been so many amazing places including Mexico, France and Morroco. All have been amazing experiences.
26. Wrestling is real – Now I know a lot will not agree with me here but I will explain why. We all know matches are planned but apart from that all the moves and performances the wrestlers do, they are all real. It takes a lot of time and dedication to be a wrestler and its not like the wrestling ring is soft or bouncy, it can hurt.
27. Love Honey is really good at discreet deliveries – I mean wow, you would never know whats in the parcel until you look inside and remember what you ordered haha!!
28. Keep writing in your diary/journal – I love writing in my diaries! It is quite nice to look back at them and see how much has changed and also to remember things too.
I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I have written it. I have a competition coming up in a few days so keep a look out for that.
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This is really good, even though I'm viewing this in December – such wise reflections and very much about "doing you" that is, don't stress over the small stuff, just do it! Here's to another 28 years and more!
This is really good, even though I'm viewing this in December – such wise reflections and very much about "doing you" that is, don't stress over the small stuff, just do it! Here's to another 28 years and more!
happy birthday. Wishing you many more good ones.
happy birthday. Wishing you many more good ones.
This is such a lovely post! I may only be 20, but I definitely know that gin and books would make it onto my list too. I hope you had a lovely birthday!
This is such a lovely post! I may only be 20, but I definitely know that gin and books would make it onto my list too. I hope you had a lovely birthday!
Happy Birthday, darling! You're one of my favorite bloggers <3 keep it up <3
Happy Birthday, darling! You're one of my favorite bloggers <3 keep it up <3
Aww I hope you had a fab birthday! I love gin too but I can't say I've ever tried it with pepsi although I might have to now… Love Honey are a dime at discreet packaging I agree and music definitely makes the world go round. As does spending lots of time in your PJs!
Alice Xx
Aww I hope you had a fab birthday! I love gin too but I can't say I've ever tried it with pepsi although I might have to now… Love Honey are a dime at discreet packaging I agree and music definitely makes the world go round. As does spending lots of time in your PJs!
Alice Xx
Happy birthday! It's great to look back on all the things you've learned throughout your life ☺️ I especially love the "you can never have too many books" one! My house's limited storage space might disagree, but I definitely don't!
Happy birthday! It's great to look back on all the things you've learned throughout your life ☺️ I especially love the "you can never have too many books" one! My house's limited storage space might disagree, but I definitely don't!
This is such a lovely post, happy 28th birthday! I love gin too but haven't ever had it with Pepsi- I feel like I'm missing out now haha! It sounds like you've learnt a lot so thanks for sharing.
Soph – https://sophhearts.com x
This is such a lovely post, happy 28th birthday! I love gin too but haven't ever had it with Pepsi- I feel like I'm missing out now haha! It sounds like you've learnt a lot so thanks for sharing.
Soph – https://sophhearts.com x