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30+ things to do while staying at home

I know its super dupe hard being in lockdown because of coronavirus ( COVID-19) but its best for everyone and the NHS if we follow the government’s guidelines. We are doing our bit by social distancing, staying at home and just one of us going out shopping whenever we need the supplies. We are also homeschooling the kids which are defiantly something new but we are doing our best. 
30+ Things to do while staying at home 
1. Look after each other – Remember we are all in this together so it’s great to look after each other. 
2. Catch up on some sleep –  I know this may be out of the norm but sometimes a bit extra sleep can be a huge help, I know it has been for me in during this stressful time. 
3. Contact friends/family that you usually visit or meet – It can be hard not seeing people we usually see but its best to contact our friends and loved ones to keep hold of normality.
4. Make plans for the future – Just remember this won’t be lasting forever so it’s nice to plan for the future.  
5. Read a book  – If you didn’t have time before to catch up on your reading list then this is a perfect time to sink into your to-read list. 
6. Learn a new recipe – I am learning more recipes and making new meals. Some haven’t worked but some have become new favourites.
7. Catch up with blog posts or youtube – Sometimes finding time to do these can be hard so nows a good time to plan ahead with writing and taking photos. 
8. Try that new hobby you have been meaning to do for a while now – For me I am learning to knit again and also learning a new language via an app on my phone.
9. Clean – One thing I love doing at the moment is cleaning. I have more time for a more in-depth clean which is good. 
10. Look back at memories – Look at photo albums or reminisce with memories with family and friends over the phone. I have been looking through photo albums and old cards. 
11. Have a Pyjama day now we all know how comfy pyjamas are, so this one speaks for itself.
12. DIY – Have a shelf that needs putting up but its been sitting In the cupboard 6 months? now is the time to it up. 
13. Play board games – These can take up so much time but they can be so much fun too!
14. Have time to yourself – Even if you’re all at home sometimes my time is important. Have time alone in your room for a breather.  
15. Selfcare – It can be hectic and worrying right now so it’s important to remember self-care. 
16. Consider getting the kinder App – Since we can’t just pop out to get a kindle or the book shop, the app is a great way to read new books. 
17. Do something out your comfort zone – For me, one thing was making a youtube channel and starting a fitness routine! 
18. Make a music playlist – Whether you have apple play, Spotify or lots of cd. Now is a good time to listen to all your favourite music. 
19. Watch Netflix – I have lost track of all the series I have watched on here. I will make a separate post on what to watch on Netflix. 
20. Change around some furniture – I know it sounds silly but changing around the furniture is a great way of having a quick home decor change.
Pin for later? 
21. Join in doing PE with Joe if you have kids or even join in regardless (the body coach) – We have been doing this every morning for 30 minutes! Even I join in. 
22. Homeschool kids if you have them if they are nursery/school age – I know it’s different but they are so many helpful websites out there to make sure they learn while the schools are off.
23. Create something – You can paint, draw or even make something with any cardboard such as empty cereal packets.
24. Watch some movies together– We are pretty lucky the Disney + has come out! They are many a movie on there for the whole family to watch. I can’t wait to watch Tarzan. Netflix and Amazon prime have a good selection too.
25. Learn a new subject – My kids love learning new things and I have been teaching things such as history and things they haven’t yet learnt in school.
26. Phone/Facetime/Sykpe Family/ Friends – We can’t see their grandparents and great-grandma for a while so we like to keep in contact via phone.
27. Read books – My kids have a good selection of books to choose from and so do I. I like reading for at least 30 minutes a day.
28. Exercise – We all know exercise is important but even more so now that we need to be home. We like to do PE with Joe wicks in the mornings. 
29. Make a duvet fort – This can be so much fun for all the family.
30. Watch Disney + –  I am so glad I downloaded this! It has some of my old favourites on it and lots of programmes my kids like too. 
31. Make a list of thing you want to do after lockdown – Every day we write something new in my diary of things we are looking forward to most. 
32. Plan ahead the week’s shopping – We should be reducing the amount we go shopping so try making a list of what you need to avoid forgetting and making more trips.
33. Watch Prime Tv  – I didn’t think I needed this but it is plenty of things to watch on here from movies to series, Im hooked. 
34. Learn something new- With so many courses to choose from, now is a brilliant time for looking into it. 
What things are you doing while staying at home?
Mel x

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4 years ago

A great list of ideas! I've just downloaded Disney+, so definitely making the most of that!

A Capone Connection
4 years ago

Great list! Tomorrow we are doing "family Olympics"… straws for the javelin throw, paper plates for discus, a house of cards competition, paper airplane contest, and a ping pong tournament. I even made awards for the winners. We all have to get creative now. lol Thank you for giving me more inspiration.

A Capone Connection
4 years ago

Great list! Tomorrow we are doing "family Olympics"… straws for the javelin throw, paper plates for discus, a house of cards competition, paper airplane contest, and a ping pong tournament. I even made awards for the winners. We all have to get creative now. lol Thank you for giving me more inspiration.

Fritzie | Lifetravelsoul

Great list! I've been cleaning, cooking, and reading a lot. I also started something new on my blog that is totally out of my comfort zone.

Take care and stay safe:)

Fritzie | Lifetravelsoul

Great list! I've been cleaning, cooking, and reading a lot. I also started something new on my blog that is totally out of my comfort zone.

Take care and stay safe:)

4 years ago

I'm not sure why I didn't think of prime TV. I've practically exhausted Netflix

4 years ago

I'm not sure why I didn't think of prime TV. I've practically exhausted Netflix

Sophie Naylor
4 years ago

I've been catching up on so much reading and sleep during lockdown! I'm also making sure I got for an hour walk every day so I can get some fresh air. I really want to bake something too but no shops have flour at the moment! x

Sophie Naylor
4 years ago

I've been catching up on so much reading and sleep during lockdown! I'm also making sure I got for an hour walk every day so I can get some fresh air. I really want to bake something too but no shops have flour at the moment! x

4 years ago

Cleaning is something that I have been doing alot of if I'm honest! I never get alot of time at home to do these sorts of tasks! I've also done some baking and some other bits and bobs x

4 years ago

Cleaning is something that I have been doing alot of if I'm honest! I never get alot of time at home to do these sorts of tasks! I've also done some baking and some other bits and bobs x

4 years ago

Ok I've been investing into cooking homemade recipes for my family and it's been really fun. My favorite tip from your list was the one about looking forward to the future. It's easy to forget that this will be over. I think focusing on the future keeps optimism alive, which gives us some light at the end of the tunnel.

Natonya | https://justnatonya.wordpress.com

4 years ago

Ok I've been investing into cooking homemade recipes for my family and it's been really fun. My favorite tip from your list was the one about looking forward to the future. It's easy to forget that this will be over. I think focusing on the future keeps optimism alive, which gives us some light at the end of the tunnel.

Natonya | https://justnatonya.wordpress.com

Rosalyn Clarke
4 years ago

Some great ideas. I need to get Disney +, it seems like everyone is watching it. I should probably start doing the Joe Wicks work out as well. Hopefully this won't last for too long.
Rosie xx
PS: Love your hat!

Rosalyn Clarke
4 years ago

Some great ideas. I need to get Disney +, it seems like everyone is watching it. I should probably start doing the Joe Wicks work out as well. Hopefully this won't last for too long.
Rosie xx
PS: Love your hat!

4 years ago

Some absolutely wonderful ideas here! I think it's important to stay busy while quarantined, even though one may feel inspired to zone out on the couch all day. I've been keeping up with my blog, writing, and working on some artistic projects. I think I'm having the hardest time relaxing actually, which is why I'm glad you included a lot of fun activities on your list: pajama day, Netflix, board games…I need to remember that just living through this pandemic is stressful and that I should try to have fun. Thanks!

4 years ago

Some absolutely wonderful ideas here! I think it's important to stay busy while quarantined, even though one may feel inspired to zone out on the couch all day. I've been keeping up with my blog, writing, and working on some artistic projects. I think I'm having the hardest time relaxing actually, which is why I'm glad you included a lot of fun activities on your list: pajama day, Netflix, board games…I need to remember that just living through this pandemic is stressful and that I should try to have fun. Thanks!

4 years ago

DIY and change the furniture around are 2 high on my list, been putting both off.

4 years ago

DIY and change the furniture around are 2 high on my list, been putting both off.

Toby Raymon
4 years ago

Those were some really helpful tips. Looking forward to try them on my moments of boredom.
I have also included some tips that can help in a lockdown on my post :https://theinterestingreads.com/tips-to-stay-calm-during-quarantine/

Toby Raymon
4 years ago

Those were some really helpful tips. Looking forward to try them on my moments of boredom.
I have also included some tips that can help in a lockdown on my post :https://theinterestingreads.com/tips-to-stay-calm-during-quarantine/

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing some great tips – I just downloaded Disney + and can't wait to check it out! Rearranging the furniture is a great idea – it'll feel like a whole new home! xxx

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing some great tips – I just downloaded Disney + and can't wait to check it out! Rearranging the furniture is a great idea – it'll feel like a whole new home! xxx

4 years ago

I watch a lot of movies and read books (also have a lot of these stocked up!). Also I still try to workout.

4 years ago

I watch a lot of movies and read books (also have a lot of these stocked up!). Also I still try to workout.

Jonathon Joseph
4 years ago

Great post. It's important we all stay active. We want to use this time to recharge but also to better ourselves where we can.

Jonathon Joseph
4 years ago

Great post. It's important we all stay active. We want to use this time to recharge but also to better ourselves where we can.

Travel for a while
4 years ago

I'm also trying to catch up on my reading and Netflix. cooking more, exercising in front of the TV. I thought I'd have more time for my blog but I don't actually. Still, I try to make the most of it, as hard as it is on a sunny day.

Travel for a while
4 years ago

I'm also trying to catch up on my reading and Netflix. cooking more, exercising in front of the TV. I thought I'd have more time for my blog but I don't actually. Still, I try to make the most of it, as hard as it is on a sunny day.