I went back to Gym: After Lockdown
Hello everyone ❤
It seems like forever ago when the gyms shut at the start of Lockdown back in March. During the lockdown, I have to say my fitness levels did suffer as I didn’t do as much exercise with restrictions and also me being super nervous of the virus put a dampener on things. I have been a member of the gym for a few years now so I was wondering how it would be when it opened up again.
England opened their gyms in July but here in Scotland, it was nearer the end of August for them to open again with restrictions of course. Now I have to admit I was super nervous going back to the gym after all the time off and of course, the worry of COVID 19 was niggling in the back of my mind.
I actually went back to my local gym the first day the gyms opened up again. I kinda surprised myself with that because I really thought I would have waited haha.
Anyways I prepared myself for the gym in advance such as wearing my gym clothes, water prepped and hand sanitizer popped in my handbag along with my gym lockers lock. The way the gym lets you in was different so you could enter your pin or scan a code on your phone so no need for touching the pin pad. Once you enter they are a hand sanitizer to use including instructions written nearby.
Everything in the gym was different… I mean really different. The machines were placed further apart and many areas had white tapes so people can work out in their own space. They also have loads of cleaning stations and hand sanitizers dotted everywhere, so you can clean your gym equipment prior to use and also after. Now I can’t say it’s true with every gym but mine you can see they have put a lot of effort in to make it a safe place for everyone to work out.
Gyms have also limited the number of people who can workout at the same time. So its probably best to check beforehand if possible so you can miss busier periods or risk waiting.
You also need to wear a mask walking between machine but you can take it off once you are working out in your own personal space. But that is quite easy to do as I am so used to wearing it while shopping.
If you have or want a personal trainer; the good news is that you can still be trained by them with the obvious restrictions in place. I have seen lots of people be trained in the gym and its business as usual in that respect.
Now I know it may not be like what many of us are used to but I can honestly say it felt safer and quite easy to adjust to once you are there doing your thing.
I have been back a few times now and I have to say I am comfy with the cleaning standards and the rules enforced. Everything is labelled right and all you need is available. I am very happy with my gym workout sessions between my home workouts.
Have you been back to the gym since they reopened?
Until next time
Mel x
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